Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Simple Drills for Coaching a Youth Soccer Team

When coaching a team, coaches need to evaluate the age group that are involve in the team. Especially in trainings, soccer drills should be fun and well planned by the coach according to the age of the players. It’s no problem with adults and teenagers because they could easily adjust to whatever training drill given by the coach. Playing should be fun for kids, and therefore soccer should be fun. Below are some helpful youth soccer coaching drills that you can use to train and help kids develop their skills.

Dribbling Drills

Setup two sets of cones in a row, put at least 10 in a row, and five feet apart. The first player on each group will dribble the ball in between the cones to the last cone and comes back to repeat the drill. Once the player is back on the first cone, He will tag a second player to perform the dribbling drill and comes back to tag another player, and so on. The purpose of this drill is to enhance the dribbling skills of your team, though dribbling is quite basic but plays a big role once your players step into the field.

Soccer Volley

This is the easiest drill to setup. Make teams or group your players into three. This drill starts when a server starts heading the ball to the other group. The other group of three will try to get the ball on the other side, letting the ball touch the ground. Only one player per group can volley the ball, if the ball goes out of bounds, the other group gains a point. 

Passing in the Middle

This is a perfect drill for passing. A player will stand in the middle in a circle created by the coach. The players will begin passing the ball to point person or the one who is assigned in the middle, while another players tries to steal the ball. When the one in the middle, gets the ball, the player losses the ball will now be the one standing in the middle.

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